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SWAROVSKI PBC - SKU: 5073815 PBC - your per­so­na­li­zed bal­li­stic cam Its often the small things that make life easier for you, and this is also true in hunting. Inspired by this principle, SWAROVSKI OPTIK has developed a new, personalized ballistic cam (PBC) for all its rifle scopes that are equipped with a ballistic turret. The ballistic cam makes long range shooting even easier. You can very quickly create your personally engraved cam for the SWAROVSKI OPTIK ballistic turret. First of all, use the ballistic program available at ballisticprogram.swarovskioptik.com to calculate all the values that you need for your rifle scope. Engraving options The required sight-in distance is always shown as a 3-digit number. You also have the following engraving options: 1. A long line marks every 50 m/yds, and a number marks every 100 m/yds (e.g. 3 = 300 m/yds). 2. In addition to the first option, you can choose to have a short line that marks every 25/75 m/yds from 300 m/yds. 3. This option is the same as option 1, but in addition to the markings at 50 and 100 m/yds, every single click is engraved as a short line. 4. You can also limit the desired maximum shooting distance. This means that there will be no more lines engraved from this distance onward.

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