MTM - AMMO BOX 100RD FLIP TOP 44-45L - SKU: P-100-44-16T

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MTM - AMMO BOX 100RD FLIP TOP 44-45L - SKU: P-100-44-16T

Product Description:

P-100 Series
MTM originated the 100 round flip-top handgun ammo boxes over 30 years ago. The Case-Gard P-100s are the perfect ammo carrier for the handgunner who wants to spend several hours at the range. Ideal for storing reloads. They have an easy to grip, scuff-resistant textured surface and are stackable. The Snap-Lok latch and mechanical hinge are guaranteed for 25 years. Load label included.
44 Rem. Mag., 44 S&W Special, 41 Mag., 45 Long Colt, 218 Bee, 357/44 B&D TC, 41 Rem. Mag., 45 Win. Mag., 454 Casull, 44 Russian, 25-20 / 32-20 / 38-40 / 44-40 WCF, 41 Long Colt, 45 S&W Schofield, 310 Cadet, 460 Rowland

Max. OAL = 1.85

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